Dedicated to the Financial Success of Your Business

Capital Concepts implements procedures to improve your cash flow, profitability and efficiency while reducing your operating and administrative costs.   


The Capital Concepts Difference

We start at the foundation, focusing on developing the correct finance strategy before deciding which tactics will springboard your business to its next level of growth.

Always mindful of the “big picture,” we consult with your management team and other trusted financial advisors to analyze six main pain points:



Finance Department Inefficiency

Banking Relationships

Exit Planning

Plateaus & Ceilings

Every business is different. Capital Concepts defines strategies, identifies roadblocks, recommends tactics and tools, and implements solutions to attain your unique business goals and achieve business growth.

Capital Concepts sees your program through to the production of actual results ‒ not theoretical estimates ‒ to achieve your company’s desired financial outcomes.


Build & Beware: What it might cost you to sell your business 

Congratulations, you’ve just sold your business for millions.   You’ve signed all the papers, jumped through all the hoops, and handed off the last details.   After years of investing your time and energy into every aspect of your business, you are...
Exit your business

Eight Ways to Exit Your Business 

When it comes to exiting a business, most people assume there is only one way out: sale. But actually, there are 8 distinct ways to exit a business.   Before considering your next move, it’s crucial that you understand each of these options to...
navigate the complexities of payroll taxes and avoid potential business-threatening pitfalls.

Navigating Payroll Taxes 

Tax deadlines are creeping up, demanding your attention and time. You’re still busy making sure things run smoothly day-to-day; filing business taxes can feel like the last complication you want to deal with.

the significance of cashflow

Cashflow: Why you need it, and how to have money in the bank for your next busy season 

Gain insights from industry experiences and expert guidance to optimize your financial strategies.

If you Don’t Have a Leadership Transition Plan, Your Exit Could Fail

If You Don’t Have a Leadership Transition Plan, Your Exit Could Fail 

If you Don’t Have a Leadership Transition Plan, Your Exit Could Fail

Life Outside of Work

The Benefits of Planning for Life Outside of Work 

How long has it been since you did something just for the fun of it? What is on your list of “Things I’ll Do Someday When I Have Time”? You may think that you need to wait to start checking things off that list, but that’s a mistake.

There’s more to life than work, and it’s the things you enjoy in your leisure time that make you a well-rounded and happy human being. In this article, we invite you to start exploring and experimenting to find enjoyable and fulfilling activities outside of work and give some practical suggestions for how to do it.

Title graphic for article "The Formula for an Effective Exit Plan"

The Formula for an Effective Exit Plan 

Ask a business owner over the age of 50 when they plan to transition or exit their business, and you’ll get one of two answers:
– a blank stare, or
– “I’ll work another 5-10 years and call it quits.”(And if you ask this person again in another 5-10 years, you’ll likely get the same answer!)

The bottom line is the same – most business owners lack a plan for leaving their business. Read the article to learn what goes into an exit plan.

City skyline with a bar chart overlaid with the words "Determining What a Business Is Worth" the title of the post "Determining the Value of a Business"

Determining the Value of a Business

How do you determine the value of a business? We discuss four methods for determining value, along with the variables and complexities that valuation professionals must factor in. You can address some of these factors ahead of time to set yourself up for the best result.

preparing to get a strong business valuation

How To Prepare for a Strong Business Valuation 

You’ve been reading our series and have decided to do some exit planning. You’ve audited your time, started planning for your free time, and have an idea how much money you’ll need for the next chapter. Now it’s time to find out what your business is worth now, so you can create a plan to get it to the value you need it to be. This week’s article shares the information you need to gather for a professional valuation, and what to do if you don’t have that information ready.

title graphic with the words "What To Do If Your Business's Valuation Is Too Low"

What To Do If Your Business’s Valuation Is Too Low

You’ve decided to create an exit plan, and now it’s time to find out how much your business is worth. What if the value comes in lower than you expected? In this week’s Insights article, we talk about common issues that contribute to a low business valuation and how to move forward.

Title graphic for the article titled "The #1 Valuation Mistake Business Owners Make... and how to avoid it"

How To Avoid the Biggest Valuation Mistake Made by Business Owners 

You’ve been working on the sale of your business for months now. All the work, not just to complete this sale but to build a business someone else actually wants to buy, is about to pay off.

You hold your breath as the sales agent slides a piece of paper across the desk towards you…with a number completely different than you’d negotiated!

“As you know, we did a final business valuation last week to determine the final sale price for the closing today,” she explains. “After reviewing all of your records, we have determined that the value decreased from our initial estimate a year ago. As a result, the sale price will be 25% lower than we originally planned.”

What happened to the profitable sale you worked so hard for?!

this is a title graphic with the words"e Ways Financial Management Improves Your Business's Value"

Five Ways Financial Management Improves Your Business’s Value

Poor financial management can manifest itself in many ways, but the price is always the same: the value of your business.

Odds are, as the owner of your business you are a strategist, visionary, and leader. But you likely don’t have the bandwidth to manage the complexities of your business’s finances.

But not to worry! We’ve outlined 5 ways financial management will improve your business’s value.

How the 4 types of intellectual property contribute value to your company

How the Four Types of Intellectual Property Contribute Value to Your Company 

Intellectual property is a highly valuable type of intangible business capital. It can take 1 of 4 forms: trademarks, patents, copyrights, or trade secrets.

Your company must take the time and invest the resources to protect its intellectual property! Learn why IP’s are so important, and how you can protect yours in our latest article

this is a title graphic with the words "Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Business's Performance"

Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Business’s Performance 

Ten best practices widely recognized as effective ways to ensure or improve business performance

In a world of uncertainties, stability and resilience are key to business success. COVID-19 taught us the importance of building strategies for long-term business health

The 5 Most Profitable Business Exits

Exiting your business does not just happen. It requires strategy and foresight. The good news is planning will boost your current business success!

Top Value for Your Bottom Line

Capital Concepts USA clients receive:

Fixed-Price Engagements

Solutions Deployment and Implementation

Unparalleled Service and Attention to Detail

Benchmarking and Tracking of Results

If you’re not seeing the cash flow and growth you expect from your business, contact Capital Concepts today.

Need Fresh Eyes On Your Business?

We believe in providing services that not only meet your needs but also exceed your expectations.