Eight Ways to Exit Your Business 

Eight Ways to Exit Your Business 

When it comes to exiting a business, most people assume there is only one way out: sale. But actually, there are 8 distinct ways to exit a business.   Before considering your next move, it’s crucial that you understand each of these options to determine which is best...
How To Avoid the Biggest Valuation Mistake Made by Business Owners 

How To Avoid the Biggest Valuation Mistake Made by Business Owners 

You’ve been working on the sale of your business for months now. All the work, not just to complete this sale but to build a business someone else actually wants to buy, is about to pay off.

You hold your breath as the sales agent slides a piece of paper across the desk towards you…with a number completely different than you’d negotiated!

“As you know, we did a final business valuation last week to determine the final sale price for the closing today,” she explains. “After reviewing all of your records, we have determined that the value decreased from our initial estimate a year ago. As a result, the sale price will be 25% lower than we originally planned.”

What happened to the profitable sale you worked so hard for?!